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The more LUCK tokens you own, the more fortunate you might be! And the neat thing about luck is that it doesn’t only apply to the crypto-sphere. We want those who hold LUCK tokens to be touched by fortune in ways that inspire, prompt and promote happiness.
Long gone are the days of carrying physical coins, magic crystals, heavy relics and other types of good luck objects. Carry on and prosper knowing your personal stash of lucky tokens is held safely and securely within your virtual Ethereum wallet.
Though you can hold or trade as many LUCK tokens as you would like, we ask that you leave a little bit of LUCK for others to claim. Want to learn more about who we are and how our Ethereum token project works? Keep reading!
What Can I Do With LUCK Tokens?
Good Luck Token is a standard ERC-20 token, so you can hold them or transfer them.Will There Be An ICO Or Crowdsale?
We want to keep things simple while still making it possible for anyone around the world to hold our virtual good luck tokens. That means we will not have an ICO (initial coin offering), IEO (initial exchange offering), crowdsale, private sale, or anything similar. Instead, a designated percentage of tokens will be offered through our website at a fixed rate in exchange for Ethereum (ETH) contributions made by those wanting to own LUCK tokens. Consider this our Presale event since it is currently the only way to hold Good Luck Token. If enough contributions are made, we’ve designated another percentage of tokens to be offered through exchanges. There is no soft/hard cap, no fundraising goal, no start/end date, or anything else you might find in your usual ICO. It’s just a digital token that anyone can get from our website, and soon some exchanges too!
What Does A LUCK Token Trade For?
Tokens will be released through our website in rounds of 10 Million, with the rate per token increasing $0.01 USD each round. The initial rate is set at $0.10 USD per token (roughly 0.00003 ETH/each or 30,000 LUCK tokens per 1 ETH). Once 10 million tokens have been claimed, 10 million more will become available for $0.11 USD per token, and so on until all 37.5% (333,333,333 LUCK tokens) that were reserved for our website have been swapped. During that period of time, if Good Luck Token is listed on any new exchanges, it will be listed for whatever the current rate is on our website.
How Do I Get LUCK Tokens?
As of now, you can only get LUCK tokens through our website. Swap your Ethereum (ETH) for Good Luck Token (LUCK) here.
About The Creator
Andrew Wietlispach has over 20 years of experience in the IT and internet marketing industry. He first developed a passion for computers in the early world wide web days of AOL and Napster. His college years were spent writing bash and shell Linux scripts while expanding his knowledge in the world of domain names, website development, and Windows programming. Throughout his twenties, Andrew both started and managed two small web hosting companies. After spending several years in the hosting industry, Andrew decided to move on from web hosting and combine two of his passions (domain names and programming) into his latest project, DesktopCatcher. DesktopCatcher is an expired domain drop catching application used to automatically register expired domain names the second they become available for new registration. His domain drop catching software has been used by hundreds of domain investors and enthusiasts who have registered thousands of expired domains because of it. When the cryptocurrency boom began, it was something he immediately became interested in. Fast forward a few years and Andrew now has another project he will be adding to his portfolio: Good Luck Token.Holding your very own Good Luck Token is just like holding any other Ethereum token. Simply visit the Contribution page and swap some of your Ethereum (ETH) for Good Luck Token (LUCK). After your transaction has been confirmed, LUCK tokens will be instantly delivered to the Ethereum wallet you specify (MyEtherWallet, Metamask, Trust Wallet..etc). Before our tokens will be visible inside your wallet, you will need to add Good Luck Token as a custom token. Adding Good Luck Token to your preferred Ethereum wallet as a custom token can be done quickly using the details shown on our Tokenomics page or by following the guides in our blog. You can also send LUCK tokens to a friend or family member by entering their Ethereum wallet instead of your own. Once you own LUCK tokens you can choose to either hold them, transfer them to a friend, or wait until our token is listed on some exchanges and then exchange them.
Maximize Opportunities – Lucky people create, notice, and act upon the chance opportunities in their lives. Basically, lucky people just try stuff. Unlucky people tend to suffer from paralysis by analysis. They won’t do anything until they’ve walked through every single angle and by then the world has moved on. They don’t gain the benefits of learning through doing.
Listen To Hunches – Lucky people tend to act on their intuitions across many areas of their lives. Intuition isn’t magic. In fact, research has actually shown it’s often valid. Lucky people tend to think, “If I get a gut feeling about something then I stop and consider it.” When unlucky people get these feelings, they don’t follow them because they don’t know where they came from. They’re anxious about the world which prevents them from going with their instincts.
Expect Good Fortune – Plain and simple – it’s optimism. You’re more likely to try new things, follow through on opportunities and have them succeed if you believe they’ll work out well. Optimism gives lucky people more “grit.” When you think things will work out, you persevere. And when you’re resilient, you give possibilities more time to work out in your favor.
Turn Bad Luck Into Good – Lucky people aren’t always lucky — but they handle adversity differently than unlucky people. Lucky people see the positive side of their bad luck. They don’t dwell on their ill fortune. Lucky people are convinced that any ill fortune in their lives will work out for the best in the long run. They also take constructive steps to prevent more bad luck in the future. How do you respond to disappointment? Giving up and getting gloomy won’t help the world offer you better opportunities.