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King of underground rap from Kaliningrad, a forumer. Who influenced the whole of Russian rap by recording tracks on a microphone for 100 rubles and remaining anonymous.
Babangida's creative work is characterized by a lot of profanity, intolerance towards LGBT, communist motives, and, first of all, satirical denunciation of the rap industry in Russia. ("Koba", "I don't hear the murmur of the cosmodrome anymore", "Swastika" "Emigrant", "Rap Shit"). There are also some references to Japanese culture and traditions ("Bushido", "Five Elements", "Gay and Geisha", "Postapocalypse").
At the same time an extensive layer is occupied by philosophical ("Shadow", "Mask", "Feast of the Spirit 2009", "Dome", "Fire") and lyrical songs ("Emo", "Gypsy", "Old Yard", "Old Guard", "Seasonal").
Babangida is one of the brightest representatives of the underground in Russian rap. During the years 2002-2005 he developed an image in his creative work, which denied the world of show business. Anonymity became an inseparable attribute. So, except name, surname, city and date of birth there is nothing known about Babangida, and even this is unreliable. There are several photos of him on a number of Internet resources, but their authenticity has not been confirmed. Babangida has never performed live or released any official albums. All his tracks, as well as the album "Makarevich" were Internet releases, available for free download, and presentations in most cases were held on the largest sites of Russian rap topics (separate tracks, singles, EP) and (album "Makarevich").

Babangida's anonymity - a cult that has been investigated for years
There has always been a lot of controversy about Babangida's identity. There are six threads on the forum with the title "Who is Babangida", where users, since 2005, have been trying to figure out who he really is. Together there are almost 30 thousand posts - an absolute record in the history of the forum.
For 15 years, forum users have been finding his old posts, poking around and comparing information from the tracks, interviewing people who have seen Babangida in person (very few of them).