SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Monitoring the integrity of SNF dry-storage systems as well as fuel cladding failure and fuel assembly structural degradation becomes crucially important to DOE for public safety. For example, chloride- induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) in welds and heat-affected zone (HAZ) of a pressurized SNF- DSC has been identified as a potential safety concern. The high tensile residual stress and microstructure sensitization in the welds and of DSC may drive the initiation of pitting and/or the transition to SCC growth and a through-wall failure. To prevent such catastrophic failure, it is vitally important to continuously monitor the structural health or integrity of SNF-DSCs as well as the fuel cladding and fuel assembly during their long-term storage in confinements. To address this critical need, X-wave Innovations, Inc. (XII) with support from Orano/TN-America and Dawnbreaker Inc. (DI), proposes to develop a Non-contact, Intelligent Sensor Network (NCISN) system to continuously monitor the structural health or integrity of SNF-DSCs (such as CISCC) and fuel cladding and fuel assembly during their long-term storage. Our main objectives of the Phase I program are to prototype a NCISN and demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed technique for continuous monitoring of SNF-DSCs and fuel assemblies. Based upon XII’sexperience and success in this area, our Phase I efforts will be concentrated on the NCISN system design and prototyping, which include FEA simulation of AE events, non-contact ultrasonic transducer design and fabrication, experimental setup, data acquisition, machine learning algorithm implementation and data analysis. Proposed NCISN system and technology will provide a highly efficient and reliable structural health monitoring of SNF-DSCs and fuel assemblies. This technology will help to reduce the overall cost associated with the inspection and maintenance of DSCs, which results in significantly improved reliability and minimizing the catastrophic failure of the nuclear waste storages. This new technology can also find many applications for nuclear waste management as well as nuclear reactors, including weld structures, pressure vessels and pipelines.