SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Manually auditing for requirement compliance after software is developed can be tedious and costly because the later in the development process that defects are found, the more costly they are to correct. This project will provide developers assurance that they are meeting DoD Assurance Provisions requirements while giving manager’s verification status throughout development and provide auditors the required quality record. WW Technology Group’s (WWTG’s) approach combines its automatic architecture generation and data mining in its extensible modeling and analysis tool, the EDICT Tool Suite. EDICT will tie the technologies together through a unified data model, user interfaces, and synchronize compliance assessments with development updates. The new tool will incorporate both code and traditional or model-based documentation to check for intrinsic and extrinsic code compliance. Running in parallel to the development environment, the tool will present results to developers throughout the development process. A dashboard will provide insight into the compliance status and code structure and indicate where to find any compliance issues. The new tool will help accelerate development and improve quality by replacing manual processes at the end of development. Approved for Public Release | 21-MDA-11013 (19 Nov 21)