SBIR/STTR Award attributes
To fulfill US Military Expeditionary Concealment System requirements to enhance maneuverability, the Warfighter needs a support structure for camouflage netting that can be rapidly deployed and managed by 2 persons. Warwick proposes a post and beam assembly that is both modular and flexible. The structure is lightweight, cost effective, will deploy quickly, save labor and easily support the load demands of both camouflage and rain. It will be capable of self-support with limited staking for wind resistance, and can be erected as a single frame or complexed multiple frames for larger assets. Warwick has demonstrated a full scale base frame in Phase I and is staged to iterate and improve the system design in Phase II. The Phase I demonstrator frame has been tested to fulfill the requirements from the A19-061 topic solicitation including wind load, axial load and the ability to deploy anywhere from 1 UCLANS system up to 8–12 systems. Full enhancement of this system through the Phase II effort will provide a cost effective and durable system to reduce the physical burden of the Warfighter, while significantly improving the strike and erect times for ULCANS system requirements.