A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Vivonics, Inc. in September, 2018 for $99,999.58 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Army.
Between 2001 and 2011, nearly 90% of combat casualty fatalities occurred prior to reaching a properly equipped medical center, a quarter of which were deemed potentially survivable. To address these long standing point-of-injury trauma care issues within the battlefield, the military developed a prehospital trauma management approach known as Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC), significantly reducing the number of preventable deaths in the field. Unfortunately, less than 10% of the 30,000 casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan had any form of documentation of care in their medical records, TCCC included, leading to a staggering 67% of unanticipated adverse events being attributed to an error in communication between Roles of Care. The handoff of medical care documentation to subsequent roles of care is imperative to reducing the number of these events. Vivonics aims to solve this issue by developing a wearable device that accepts, stores, and disseminates previous patient care in a standardized, easy to use manner. Simple in composition and innovative in design, the proposed system will be a powerful and reliable method to transfer casualty care information on the patient through Roles of Care, regardless of the state of tactical communications.