SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The volume, velocity, and variety of video data is growing at an exponential pace in both the commercial and the military markets. The Department of Defense (DoD) employs an array of sensors on the modern battlefield and in base security operations which will only continue to grow in the future as hardware gets smaller and connection speeds get faster. This increase in data, specifically as it relates to video footage from remote Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) platforms and CCTV, has expanded the need for imagery analysis for targeting and intelligence. Today, these tasks are largely conducted manually, requiring a human operator to review hours of footage to extract the desired information. To improve human-machine teaming and lighten the analyst’s cognitive burden, the introduction of Computer Vision (CV) for imagery analysis would allow USAF analysts to exponentially increase the volume of content analyzed and improve the level of intelligence gathered, providing decision makers with better intelligence faster to stay ahead of our near peer adversaries.