SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Vadum will develop a novel Electronic Warfare Battle Damage Assessment (EW-BDA) software module to provide real-time feedback of an Electronic Attack (EA) on a large number of priority threats. The EW-BDA software will continuously monitor the behavior of threats in the absence and presence of jamming and map the observed behavioral change to a BDA estimate. A number of features associated with threat behavior will be extracted and fused to provide an Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) accurate, real-time feedback of EA mission impact. Previous Vadum efforts in developing EW-BDA will be enhanced to cover the space of RF emitters found in commercial communications environments as well as radar threats relevant to the US Army. This will increase an EWO’s impact on the commander’s team, particularly at the Battalion and Brigade levels. The software will be tested and validated against data collected from exercises and a number of realistic simulated EW engagements. The EW-BDA module software architecture will also be extended to handle eventual deployment in a number of mobile and expeditionary units in a complex, distributed, cluttered RF battlefield environment.