A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to UTILITY DEVELOPMENT CORP in July, 2019 for $998,950.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Army.
During the Phase I program, Utility Development Corporation successfully proved the feasibility of using a syntactic foam based material for the production of an ultra-wideband, ultra-low loss radome for an antennae application. UDC developed and tested formulations that will pass the X-Ku band frequency and withstand 10TW peak power, and a pulse length and frequency of 30ns and 500Hz. In the Phase II program, UDC will work with a large subcontractor to further develop and demonstrate the technology. The newly developed technology will be a cost effective solution. No products exist on the market that allow for a combination of electric and magnetic properties in a straightforward manufacturing process. To obtain the proper balance systems must be designed to integrate multiple components. The developed system will use standard processing methods and will allow rapid curing of final materials with no add on or multi component systems leading to a low-cost, high performance system.