In a watercraft storage system a “wishbone” or U-shaped cradle liftable and rotatable by an overhead crane comprises adjustable air filled hull supports to either side of a boat hull and a keel support toward the stern of the watercraft. The cradle central opening clears a cantilever storage rack support beam assembly allowing the watercraft to be lowered onto or raised from the cantilever storage rack support beam assembly by an overhead traveling crane. To substantially reduce any longitudinal swaying of the cradle and watercraft during raising and lowering, a system or diagonal anti-sway bracing cables that automatically retract and extend is employed. In the preferred embodiment, the cradle is lowered into a water-filled channel within the storage structure to re-float the watercraft. A watercraft to be stored can be brought into the channel which contains alignment means to accurately position the watercraft over the cradle. The cradle can thereby be lifted properly, moved to a storage rack location and accurately stored on the cantilever storage rack support beam assembly.