Patent attributes
A compact low concentration photovoltaic (LCPV) apparatus totally enclosed in a protective clear dome against harsh environment without active cooling. A conical mirror reflector, a circular lens refractor and a planar circular crystalline silicon photovoltaic solar panel rotate simultaneously inside the dome to concentrate sun rays and instantly produce electricity. The mirror increases electrical current three times and the lens increases one time for total four times using low overall concentration of five to twenty times sun. The lens is offset from the plane parallel to the photovoltaic solar panel, while the panels forming the mirror are angled offset to a center axis perpendicular to the solar panel. The optical assembly and solar panel are mounted in a conical aluminum cage which is pivoted from a rotary turntable for the daily azimuth and altitude rotations. The dual axis movements consist of irregular intermittent increments of less than one second “on time” and less than two minutes “off time” while following the sun path. The electrical power produced is at least two times more than from fixed conventional crystalline silicon solar panel occupying the same planar surface area. LCPV dual tracking systems offer reduced electricity generation costs, reduced installation costs and increased flexibility in deployment.