Patent attributes
A process and device for the gasification of liquid or fine-grain solid fuel materials with the aid of oxygenous, gaseous gasification agents in a reactor is described. Liquid slag is separated on the walls of the reactor. The synthesis gas is generated in a first reaction chamber arranged in the upper part of the reactor and the feedstock is fed to the upper part. Liquid slag precipitates on its lateral walls, with free downflow and no solidification of the slag surface. The lower side has a hole with a slag drop-off edge, from which the generated synthesis gas can be withdrawn in downward direction and the liquid slag can drop off the edge. A second chamber which is delimited by a water film is located under the opening and used to keep the synthesis gas dry and cool. A third chamber is adjacent to the bottom of the second and fed with water to cool the synthesis gas. A water bath is adjacent the bottom of the third chamber and collects the slag particles already solidified and dropped off or those particles still in the liquid phase. The synthesis gas is withdrawn from the pressure vessel in an area below or on the side of the third chamber but in any case located above the water bath.