A High Temperature Superconductor Maglev (HTSM) for Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT) with a magnetic levitation structure for ETT capsule vehicles traveling in an evacuated tube. At least one ETT capsule travels within an evacuated tube, an upper and a lower cryostat respectively mount at the top and bottom of said ETT capsule along the length thereof, at least a plurality of superconductor levitation force elements divided between said upper and lower cryostats. The levitation force being spread over the length of capsule, however substantially concentrated in a compact cross-sectional area. At least a pair of permanent magnetic elements mounted at the top and bottom of the evacuated tube to levitate the capsule. At least a pair of capsule based switchable diverge force elements cooperate with at least a pair of tube based diverge force elements to steer the capsule while in an interchange.