Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Bryan D. Den Hartog0
David B. Kay0
Derek S. Lewis0
James Price0
Mark Scioli0
Michael C. McGlamry0
Terry Philbin0
Date of Patent
April 7, 2015
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 10, 2011
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
An orthopedic plate is designed for opening osteotomies and includes a contoured double tabbed or butterfly shaped plate portion which can accommodate selective fixation including locking, variable locking and non-locking. The plate also includes a centrally located osteotomy support that maintains the opening between bone segments at a spaced relationship. The support can be integral to the plate, or can be modular, i.e. a separate and adjustable segment which can be changed to accommodate the desired geometry of the osteotomy site.
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