Wrap-around canine utility harness with integral diaper comprises a body wrap utility harness apparatus with a detachable integral diaper. The harness apparatus may secure the integral diaper covering the anus and urethra while still maintaining utility and protection as a dog control harness. The harness apparatus is comprised of a fabric wrap in two perpendicularly connected sections. A longitudinal wrap forms a continuous cover from a withers area caudally along the dorsal, wrapping around the posterior of the dog, cranially over the ventral ending near the upper chest. A perpendicularly attached trunk wrap section completely encircles trunk of the dog overlapping and attaching at the dorsal. The integral diaper extends from above the tail encircling the base of the tail, around the rump to a caudal-cranial midpoint on the ventral able to contain excrement and protect anus and urethra area for both male and female dogs.