Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Jesper M. Johansson1
Justin C. Crites1
Robert Hanson1
Date of Patent
February 24, 2015
1Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 21, 2010
1Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Technologies are described herein for providing out-of-band authentication of an e-mail message. A recipient of an e-mail message purporting to be from an organization forwards the e-mail message or submits its content to that organization for authentication. The authenticity of the e-mail message is determined based on authentication data, such as outgoing message logs or authentication keys, maintained at the source of the e-mail message. Upon authenticating the e-mail message, the recipient is informed of the authenticity of the e-mail message.
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