Quiet, lightweight, well-balanced, forgiving, and accurate compound archery bows which have significantly reduced vibration and bow jump. The limbs and cams of these bows can be removed and replaced without a bow press, and the limbs of the bows are functional (active) over essentially their entire length and allow one to obtain equivalent performance from a more compact and lighter bow. The bow limbs may be leverage locked in articulated limb pockets. The limb butts extend forward well beyond the front of the riser. This eliminates limb length and limb angle as major factors in determining brace height, allowing one to choose a riser style and limb length which optimize arrow speed and bow stabilization. Novel adjustment mechanisms allow one to easily adjust the poundage or poundage and brace height of the bow. Vibration isolation systems may be employed to isolate the bow riser from the limb pockets. Bows with translating pockets, bows with stationery pockets and articulated risers, asymmetric bow limbs, and solid bow limbs with double belly cuts are also disclosed.