Patent attributes
One embodiment of a vertical axis wind generator having a stationary vertical shaft (10) supporting with bearings (12) a larger diameter rotating shaft (11) attached by radial connections (13) and support connections (15) to circular support members (16), which are joined to equivalently spaced vertical connections (14). Attached by hinges (18) to these vertical connections (14) are plates (17) held to a radial position to the shafts (10),(11), when the wind force is on them, by cables (19) controlled by electronically controlled winches (25) attached to the circular support members (16). The wind force will close the plates on the opposite side, thus not affecting the rotation, which is transmitted through amplifying gears (21) to the generators (21). Magnetic levitation, which includes an aluminum rail (23), as shown in FIG. 4 would raise the vertical axis wind generator negating friction.