A method and apparatus for exercise of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscle complex against resistance in internal rotation, the tibialis posterior in internal rotation and inversion, the piriformis muscle and its synergists in external rotation and the peroneal muscles in external rotation and eversion is disclosed. The apparatus is comprised of a stable base having a rotatable foot support plate mounted on the base upward at a predetermined angle from the horizontal in order to dorsiflex the user's foot. Means to adjust the rotational resistance of the rotatable foot support plate is provided. The device includes a back support to assist in maintaining the user's pelvis in a neutral position. The device provides internal and external resistance to isolate and exercise the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscle complex or the piriformis and synergists while the user is in a standing position. It further provides internal and external resistance to exercise the tibialis posterior and the peroneals in either the standing or seated position.