Patent attributes
A system contains a laser output measurement circuit used in a laser control system (210). The circuits contain a photodiode (109), sample and hold amplifier (202), IC with synchronizer and delay circuits (206), and an analog to digital converter (204). The circuits measure the laser light output (107) while the laser Module (106) transmits signals. The measurement circuit tracks and stores the laser light output (107) signal using a Photodiode Sensor (109) and with a Sample/hold (202). The methods calculate the value of the laser light output (107) from mathematical relationships, which correlate the light output (107) of the laser Module (106) to the current value of the drive signal (100). Some of the distinguishing features in the present invention are 1) feedback information from the photodiode is obtained in a synchronous manner as a snapshot of the laser performance, and 2) the measurements are precise and calibrated, and 3) no disruption of the signal transmission occurs.