A dental oral appliance to reduce or eliminate snoring or obstructive sleep apnea and to open the airway for a sleeping patient. The appliance covers the inside (lingual) of the upper or lower teeth and has an open palate. Retention for the appliance is provided by an occlusal coverge of the upper or lower teeth. A raised incisor ramp that extends from the incisal tip of the incisors toward the lingual, or posterior ramps, separate the posterior teeth to open the airway. A transpalatal bar, which extends from the inside (lingual) of the right molars to the inside of the left molars, inhibits the upward and backward movement of the tongue. An anterior tongue restrainer which is attached to the transpalatal bar at one end and the front of the appliance at the other end, aids in inhibiting and restraining the upward and backward movement of the tongue.