During the transmission of subscriber-specific data, particularly via a transfer medium and according to a transmission principle based on time slot transmission with time slot separation, the transfer medium used by several subscribers can also be efficiently used when the data rates of the data transmitted in the transmission direction (SRI) and the reception direction (ERI) for at least one subscriber using the transmission are differently, i.e. asymmetrically distributed. To this end, the data to be transmitted for each subscriber are transmitted, as in the case of a symmetric data distribution, in at least two time slots (ZS) per a periodically returning time frame (ZR, ZR1, ZR6) and corresponding to the asymmetrical distribution of the ratio of a number of transmission data packets (SDP) to reception data packets (EDP) in a plurality n half time frame of the time frame (ZR, ZR1 ZR6) with n being greater or equal to 2 or ε N.