Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Régine Delourme0
Jean-Pierre Poupard0
Michel Renard0
Raymonde Horvais0
Catherine Primard-Brisset0
Françoise Budar0
Georges Pelletier0
Date of Patent
October 12, 2010
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
July 5, 2004
0Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
The invention relates to a method of producing a double low restorer line of Brassica napus for Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility (cms) presenting a radish introgression carrying the Rfo restorer gene deleted of the radish Pgi-2 allele and recombined with the Pgi-2 gene from Brassica oleracea, and having a good agronomic value characterized by female fertility, a good transmission rate of Rfo and a high vegetative vigour. The invention relates also to a method of forming Brassica napus hybrid seeds and progeny thereof and to the use of markers for selection.
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