A decorative cat litter box enclosure having a furniture like appearance with a pivotal ramp having a lip on three side and a mesh-like material extending between the sides so that when the ramp is closed the interior ramp edge arcs over the litter box depositing any captive litter from the cat's paws back into the litter box. Also provided is a based positioned hinged door to access the litter box which has a plastic liner and drawstring that work in conjunction with an extendable retractable latch located on the exterior front that when extended prevents removal of the litter box while the drawstring is used to close the plastic liner bag. The latch is then retracted and the litter bag is removed for disposal. Also provided on the exterior surface are a plurality of hooks for attaching accessory items as desired by the user which may include dust pan, brush and rubber gloves along with attachable removable food and water dishes. Other decorative elements may be included such as interior scenic landscapes in bright colors and a plant placed on the exterior top of the housing.