Patent attributes
A bias circuit for use in bandgap voltage reference circuits and temperature sensors comprises a pair of transistors (Q, Q2), the first of which (Q1) is arranged to be biased at an emitter current lbias, and the second of which (Q2) is arranged to be biased at an emitter current of m.lbias. The circuit is arranged such that the difference between the base-emitter voltages of the transistors is generated in part across a first resistance means having a value Rbias and in use carrying a bias current equal to lbias and in part across a second resistance means of value substantially equal to Rbias/m and in use carrying a current equal to the base current of the second transistor. This results in use in a bias current Ibias which, when used to bias a substrate bipolar transistor via its emitter, produces a collector current therefrom which is substantially PTAT and a base-emitter voltage which is substantially independent of the forward current gain of the substrate bipolar transistor.