Patent attributes
Presently no chemicals are added in the pulp/paper mills wastewater treatment. There is a loop hole with the Biological Oxygen Demand test utilized. Regulators depend on the Biological Oxygen Demand test. All mills are discharging raw untreated wastes high in Chemical Oxygen Demand, (COD), Total Organic Carbon, (TOC) and COLOR. Liquid Alum solution is added to raw influent. All electrical energy aerated systems are eliminated. All flows from sewers join prior to the entrance to clarifier. The continuous in-line pH controller is proprietary as well as the continuous in-line COD analyzer. Because mills wastewater is amphoteric, it is mandatory that the raw influent pH be adjusted to range of 5.7 to 6.0 for optimum removal efficiencies. Aluminum chloride, ferric chloride and ferrous sulfate may be replaced for alum with higher operating costs. The precipitate is thickened, dewatered and incinerated, and approximately 75% of the chemicals regenerated.