Patent attributes
The invention relates to a hollow fiber separation module comprising an inlet (20) for the gas to be dried, an outlet (22) for dried gas, an access element (26) and a discharge element (28) for circulation gas, and a plurality of hollow fibers which respectively extend from the inlet (29) to the outlet (22) and comprise an inner region which communicates with the inlet (20) on one end of each hollow fiber, and with the outlet (22) on the other end of each hollow fiber. The hollow fibers are wound up in a plurality of layers (40, 42, 44) to form a hollow cylindrical winding. Each layer (40, 42, 44) is inwardly defined by an imaginary cylinder (35, 36, 37) and has a number of hollow fibers which are wound onto the cylinder (35, 36, 37) in a helical manner with an alpha angle of inclination, are located at a distance a from each other, and are arranged on the cylinder in a homogeneously distributed manner. A layer (40) differs from an adjacent layer (e.g. 42) in that the fibers of one of the layers all form a plus alpha winding angle, whereas the fibers of the adjacent layers all form a minus alpha winding angle.