Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
John Sargent French0
William Joseph Thompson0
Date of Patent
November 20, 2007
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
July 3, 2003
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A system and method for bit error rate testing optical components comprises providing an optical testing unit, which measures a bit error rate of an optical device under test (DUT) over an operating range of the DUT. The optical testing unit includes an optical transmitter, which transmits an optical test signal that is transmitted to the DUT; an optical receiver, which receives an input signal from the DUT; a graphical user interface, which provides an interface with a user; and a controller, selectively coupled to the transmitter, the receiver and the graphical user interface, wherein the controller provides a central control of the transmitter, the receiver and the graphical user interface.
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