Patent attributes
Each stage of a pipeline ADC includes an analog delay cell, a sub-stage ADC, and a multiplying digital-to-analog converter (MDAC). The MDAC includes a sample-and-hold amplifier (SHA) circuit, a summer, a gain stage, and a DAC. The MDAC is arranged in cooperation with the analog delay cell such that the effects of a long comparator decision time under high-speed conditions are minimized. The first SHA, half clock cycle delay cell with unity gain transfer function, samples the input signal during the first clock period, followed by a strobe of the sub-ADC. Substantially half of the clock period can be utilized for the comparison time of the sub-ADC using the described methods. Since decoding is completed before MDAC sampling the first SHA output so that the complete half clock cycle can be arranged for amplifier settling in order to achieve the maximum operating speed with a given amplifier bandwidth.