Patent attributes
A non-linear dynamic predictive device (60) is disclosed which operates either in a configuration mode or in one of three runtime modes: prediction mode, horizon mode, or reverse horizon mode. An external device controller (50) sets the mode and determines the data source and the frequency of data. In the forward modes (prediction and horizon), the data are passed to a series of preprocessing units (20) which convert each input variable (18) from engineering units to normalized units. Each preprocessing unit feeds a delay unit (22) that time-aligns the input to take into account dead time effects. The output of each delay unit is passed to a dynamic filter unit (24). Each dynamic filter unit internally utilizes one or more feedback paths that provide representations of the dynamic information in the process. The outputs (28) of the dynamic filter units are passed to a non-linear approximator (26) which outputs a value in normalized units. The output of the approximator is passed to a post-processing unit (32) that converts the output to engineering units. This output represents a prediction of the output of the modeled process. In reverse horizon mode, data is passed through the device in a reverse flow to produce a set of outputs (64) at the input of the predictive device. These are returned to the device controller through path (66). The purpose of the reverse horizon mode is to provide information for process control and optimization. The predictive device approximates a large class of non-linear dynamic processes. The structure of the predictive device allows it to be incorporated into a practical multivariable non-linear Model Predictive Control scheme, or used to estimate process properties.