A fluidic insert that receives fluid under pressure from a fluid inlet tube and generates a specified spatial distribution of the fluid exiting the insert includes: (1) a body member having top, bottom, front and rear outer surfaces, (2) top and bottom fluidic circuits located, respectively, at least partially within the member's top and bottom surfaces, wherein each of these circuits has at least one power nozzle, an interaction chamber, and an outlet whose exit lies within the member front surface, (3) the bottom fluidic circuit having a portion of its surface area located upstream of the power nozzle and adapted so that it can mate with a fluid inlet tube that supplies fluid to the insert, and (4) an inter-circuit flow passage that allows fluid to flow from the bottom fluid circuit to the top fluid circuit, the bottom end of this passage located such that it is downstream of the point where the inlet tube mates with the bottom circuit and upstream of the bottom circuit's power nozzle, with the top end of this passage located upstream of the top circuit's power nozzle.