A stepgate that increases the contained storage area of a vehicle and utilizes the tailgate as a stepgate to aid in lifting objects to the storage area of the vehicle. The stepgate adjusts horizontally, whereby this motion allows the stepgate to clear features of the vehicle as well as adjusting the position of an extension platform. The extension platform would adjust horizontally in conjunction with the tailgate to effectively increase the contained storage area of the vehicle. The stepgate, lift feature utilizes the tailgate as the lifting platform. The stepgate is designed where a bracket contacts the ground maintaining the lifting platform slightly above ground level. This allows the integration of the tailgate into the stepgate without subjecting the tailgate to any damage. The design further allows the tailgate to operate, function and remove in the same manner as the original vehicle. Options include removable coupling between the extension platform and the stepgate and extensions for the lifting platform. The stepgate is designed in a manner, which does not change the original appearance of the vehicle.