Patent attributes
An automatically operated steamer for cooking and warming food products is described. The steamer uses three operating thermostatic controls, a housing with a reservoir in the bottom thereof, and an electrical heat source disposed below said reservoir to heat the same. When cold water is admitted to the reservoir a thermostat closes to generate heat to warm the water and as the water warms, the flow of the water into the reservoir ceases. When the reservoir water reaches a temperature slightly above its boiling point, a second thermostat operates to control the temperature to keep the water boiling until it completely evaporates. When the water evaporates the heat within the device steamer increases, and another thermostat opens at a predetermined elevated temperature to signal for the addition of water to the reservoir. Still another thermostat operates to control the heat generated within said reservoir and steamer at a predetermined level to maintain a heated condition for food being cooked or held, and yet another safety thermostat opens in response to a predetermined elevated temperature to de-energize the electrical heater below the reservoir.