Patent attributes
A self-adhering modified bituminous roof covering composite that comprises a thermoplastic (APP), elastomeric (SBS) or TPO modified bitumen compound on the front side, and a factory-applied self-adhesive compound on the back side of a reinforcement carrier sheet, with factory-applied tracts of adhesive on the side lap and end lap sections of each roll to enhance adhesion. A method of manufacturing such composite comprising coating an APP or SBS or TPO compound on the upper surface and affixing a self-adhesive compound to the lower surface of a reinforcement carrier support sheet, coating an adhesive on the side lap and end lap areas, applying a release liner to the tacky self-adhesive layer, and applying release films to the side and end laps during manufacture, stripping the release liner, selvage release film and end lap film from the membrane immediately prior to use, subsequently placing the exposed self-adhesive side of the membrane directly on to the end lap areas and side lap areas of adjacent rolls and applying force directly to the sheet to enhance the bond between the two sheets, resulting in a continuous roof covering. The present invention relates generally to residential and commercial roofing membranes.