Patent attributes
The invention relates to an Automobile Collision Impact Reducer (ACIR) which can be placed at the front, rear, sides or between the doors of an automobile, having multichambered springs of various strengths which are arranged in different patterns, multi layered plates and/or pipes, along with multi layered cushioning materials which act as a fire suppressant. In-order to reduce the recoil effect after the compression of springs, “Recoil Arrester/Lock system” is introduced, which has recoil arresting box, recoil arresting plate, tension springs and recoil lock lever. This concept can be used in crash guard barriers on roads, culverts, pillars of bridges, walls of houses near the road turns, pillars of metro rail, other railway lines, etc., with certain modifications. During time of collision, after the force transfers from the cushioning materials, there will be multi chambered compression of springs, which helps reduce the force of impact.