Patent attributes
A stand for a portable media device having a cap attached to a base. The base has body having a series of openings through which ballast is allowed to flow when the stand is being positioned. The ballast preferably made up of beads, such as glass or plastic, or sand. The ballast and the base are positioned within a bladder that is preferably a stretchy or resilient material. A rounded conical cap is attached to the top of the bladder and partially encapsulates the bladder. The cap is configured for positioning of a portable media device on the cap and/or for attachment of a portable media device to the cap. The cap serves to provide structure to the rounded bladder as well as to distribute the weight of a portable media device positioned on the cap. The cap has preferably a magnetic mechanism that is configured to magnetically attach to a portable media device or to a magnet position within a portable media device or affixed to the portable media device or a case on the portable media device. Alternate mechanical attachment mechanisms can be utilized in addition to or in alternative to the magnetic attachment. Preferably a bottom side of the bladder has a gripping surface that allows the bladder to be positioned on a surface and to increase friction between the bladder and the surface on which it is positioned. Preferably the stand is provided with a charging mechanism to charge a portable media device. The charging mechanism can be a wired and/or wireless charging mechanism. Preferably the stand has a port that is configured for receiving wired electricity from an external source.