In a driving control apparatus for a vehicle having an ACC function for performing constant speed cruise according to a target speed when there is no preceding other vehicle in a vehicle's driving lane and performing following cruise by maintaining a predetermined inter-vehicle distance when there is a preceding other vehicle, an LKA function for maintaining cruise in the vehicle's driving lane by following control to a target path, an override function for stopping the ACC function and the LKA function by a driver's operation intervention, and a function for notifying the driver of stopping the LKA function and the ACC function and operation takeover and performing fallback control of the LKA function and the ACC function at the time of system limit of the LKA function, override threshold values serving as a determination criterion of the operation intervention for stopping the LKA function and the ACC function at the time of system limit of the LKA function are configured to be altered to a value greater than during normal operation when the LKA function is within the system limit.