Patent attributes
A 3D printed biocompatible drug delivery device is provided having a fluid delivery channel distinguishing three segments and a receiving chamber with an array of microneedles. The three segments of the delivery channel are stagnation zones before a drug is extruded and whereby an inverted funnel provides an increasing extrusion surface servicing the drug to the array of microneedles. The design of the device with its flow-related components circumvents the challenge of colloidal stability associated with multi-phase formulations leading to nozzle blockage. Qualitative screening cytotoxicity tests pre and post-extrusion through the drug delivery device using mammalian cells rule out cytotoxicity and outline equivalent viability to control treatments. The biocompatibility results suggest that the fluid delivery design, the photoresin selected as well as the fabrication and sterilization may be extended over a range of regenerative medicine and drug delivery applications.