Patent attributes
An improved two-part swab applicator is provided, having a handle section and a receptacle section that are engaged through coupling and an end cap. A stem having a swab attached at one end is encompassed by both sections with the swab nesting within the receptacle section. The receptacle section has a hollow body and a plurality of ribs on the body to prevent the applicator from rolling and the liquid from spilling. The receptacle section may also have a collar with one or more notches to prevent rolling of the receptacle section. The end cap may have a collar with one or more notches that prevent the handle section and/or the applicator from rolling and catches any drips of the liquid when the swab is removed for use. The end cap also has a plurality of ribs on its body that prevents the applicator from rolling. The handle and receptacle sections nest in each other with a snug fit and mate and decouple with a twisting or rotating action of the end cap that also serves as a drip shield preventing the liquid from dripping. When connected, any liquid contained in the receptacle section is securely air sealed by the snug contact of the receptacle and handle sections. The swab may be impregnated with a medicine or liquid. Alternatively, the swab may be sterile and is used to collect a tissue or excretion sample from humans or animals. After use, the swab may be returned to the receptacle section and the air-tight seal reformed for sanitary disposal or further transport for analysis of the collected sample. The swab may be used on an exterior part or body cavity of a human or an animal.