A secure vehicle navigational system managing recorded vehicular and human movements transmitting encrypted communications between secure interconnected devices configured along road-ways within network-topology of two or more domains interconnected within a configured infrastructure communicating with a plurality of encrypted telemetry communication devices con figured within or attached to vehicular apparatus and humans, recording received and transmitted data-content between interconnected ecomm-devices and navigational command centers, continuous calculating forecasted positional phase-change positional points determined from a plurality of algorithms and techniques, map tracking a plurality of mechanisms, performing a plurality of calculations comprised of spatial density in proportion to velocity changes, analyzing a plurality of detected guidance drive-ability and interoperability factors, forecasting programmed space time position compared with future time in space positions from a configured subnaysys network-topology, navigational directives and communications are viewable and audibly heard on a augmented VIR Inter-Face, and other embodiments are claimed and described.