Patent attributes
Methods and systems are provided for creating and processing an electronic customs declaration manifest. These methods and systems include creating a image of the customs declaration form, converting the image of the customs declaration form into an electronic customs manifest, and transferring the electronic customs manifest to a database. In addition, a image is may also be forwarded electronically to a remote encoding center, where the customs declaration form data is manually converted into an electronic file for storing in a database. Customs services of both the originating and destination countries review the declared information stored in the database. When the international mailpiece arrives at the border, domestic customs service may find a matching unique identifiers on the international mailpieces and customs declaration forms stored in the database. The service provider may load an international mailpiece into an airplane, if a domestic customs service allow the international mailpiece having a matching unique identifier to leave the originating country. A service provider may return an international mailpiece to the domestic customs service if an international mailpiece is not allowed to leave the originating country.