According to the user sitting position, we can classify toilets into two types:
- European or Western Waters closet, also known as WC/EWC (Toilet designed to sit).
- Squatting pan (Toilet is designed to squat).
The Standard Water closet can be classified according to the Trap design (Types of water closet):
S Trap types of Water Closet (EWC).
P Trap types of Water Closet (EWC).
Choosing between ‘S’ or ‘P’ trap water closet: Trap design is important when installing a toilet. Normally S tarp will be used in ground floor installations as piping can be done below ground level. Normally P trap will be installed in top floors because the installation of the pipeline under the toilet will be difficult. This water closet can be classified according to the Mounting system (Type of water closet):
- Floor mounts types of toilets.
- Wall Hung Types of toilets.
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