First fully decentralized AMM based money market protocol [Powered by Ethereum]
First fully decentralized AMM based money market protocol [Powered by Ethereum]
First fully decentralized AMM based money market protocol [Powered by Ethereum]
Timeswap is the first fully permissionless, oracle-less, non-liquidatable, fixed maturity lending & borrowing protocol.
-Timeswap aims to revolutionize money markets via its unique 3 variable constant product AMM
Our Offerings
1. Permissionless fixed maturity lending & borrowing
Timeswap allows anyone to do fixed maturity lending & borrowing of any ERC20 token with any other ERC20 token as collateral
2. Non-Liquidatable Loans
Timeswap takes away complexity for borrowers to constantly manage their health factors. No more liquidation penalty & dependency on liquidators.
3. Flexible Risk Profiles
Timeswap offers flexibility for lenders and borrowers to decide their risk profile through flexible interest rates & collateral factors.
4. Permissionless Debt Financing
Timeswap enables projects to borrow debt with their native tokens as collateral. Ideal for funding fair launches & leveraged loans compared to equity financing
Key Features
-Flexible interest rate & collateral factors
Users have the flexibility to decide their risk-return profile by selecting custom interest rates and collateral factors based on prevailing market conditions for greater capital efficiency
-Oracle-less & Gas Efficient
Timeswap is brutally gas efficient and does not require oracles or liquidators
-ERC20 agnostic
Anyone can create any ERC20 pool by providing necessary liquidity
-Mechanism capital
-And many others...
First fully decentralized AMM based money market protocol [Powered by Ethereum]