SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Recent advances in printed electronics provide solutions that reduce the cost, complexity, and energy requirements of conventional deposition methods. When evaluating production systems and processes, many designers and manufacturers often neglect ink conductivity, customization and cost. Advantageously, nanoparticle-based inks have lower curing temperatures than those typically needed for bulk curing where larger particles of the same material are used. By producing a low-temperature, air-stable copper solution, high performance and lower-cost metallization on substrates such fabric, cellulose, and plastics could be deposited. In Phase-I project, Texas Biochemicals will formulate a stable copper solution that can be deposited in ambient conditions. Our novel material design process creates well dispersed copper nanoparticles homogeneously coated with low-volatile organic molecule protects pure nano metal particles from atmospheric attack and coating enables great particle dispersion in inks, making printing simple. The copper nano inks will be customized to control factors such as substrate compatibility, particle chemistry, and protection from attack by external substances. Collaboration with a leading prime contractor is established to evaluate samples and providetechnical guidance.Their input described under Phase I tasks and the letter of support attached demonstrates their intention to become a commercialization partner leading to near term technology utilization potential.