The first 100% skill-based play-to-earn game in the cryptoverse. Fun, fair, inclusive & profitable. Going live on Fantom network & beyond.
The first 100% skill-based play-to-earn game in the cryptoverse. Fun, fair, inclusive & profitable. Going live on Fantom network & beyond.
From the beginning, the vision for Stumble upon Rumble was to create a game that steps away from the micro-transactions and pay-to-win models that are dominant in mobile gaming and have taken a prominent role in crypto gaming too. By creating a truly level playing field that is 100% about skill, players can experience competition like they never have before.
Furthermore, the game is designed to be timeless. The skill-cap is limitless so that are always players who are becoming better than anyone has been before. Because of this, there will always be challenges as new players join and new competition is created. In addition, the pixel art style has proven to be timeless as after decades it is still frequently used in hit games. In contrast, games that use the best realistic 3D graphics available now will find their art to be outdated in a few years as the technology progresses.
The first 100% skill-based play-to-earn game in the cryptoverse. Fun, fair, inclusive & profitable. Going live on Fantom network & beyond.