SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The Streamline Automation/Alabama A&M University Team propose to implement heterogeneous packaging techniques to pair state-of-the-art commercial off the shelf (COTS) Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) boards with radiation hardened watchdog parts to enable the integrated System in Package (SiP) to meet military radiation requirements. This is similar to the concept of taking a single board computer and redesigning it with advanced heterogeneous packaging techniques. In Phase I we will purchase COTS FPGA boards, design a custom heterogeneous integration SiP, manufacture the SiP prototypes in AAMU’s Clean Room/Fabrication Lab, and test the samples in AAMU’s Pelletron Accelerator. At the completion of Phase I we expect to have developed the proposed approach to a sufficient level to demonstrate its viability and identify requirements for full development. The Phase II program will optimize the designs to improve baseline performance, increase survivability and level of operability in realistic radiation environments. We will fabricate and test optimized parts for realistic radiation environments and against standard military temperature cycling specifications. Additionally, in Phase II we will pursue commercialization of the technology for military and government space applications. Approved for Public Release | 21-MDA-11013 (19 Nov 21)