SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The DOD scientific and technical enterprise has historically had challenges with implementing commercial applications and pushing these applications into a deployment phase. Typically, this is due to unpredictable and uncertain physical environments, unstructured data from dissimilar sources and limited data needed to train a machine learning model. SparkCognition can and has met these challenges. One of the biggest threats to national security is the mission readiness of our aerial assets. As of late 2018, the Air Force had a mission capable rate of 71.3 percent and has continued to decline. Furthermore, the Military must reduce the operating and maintenance cost associated with keeping this aircraft airborne. Current mission rates in the fighter community; F35: 55% mission ready F22: 49% Mission ready F16: 72% mission ready. To meet this challenge of increasing the uptime of our aircraft the warfighters need streamlined maintenance operations to guarantee full aircraft mission capable status with minimum variability. Using Predictive/Prescriptive maintenance on structured and unstructured data SparkCognition will allow the military increased uptime on aerial assets, reduce parts cost and reduce overall maintenance cost. SparkPredict® applies sophisticated algorithms to vast quantities of sensor data imbuing the industrial internet with intelligence. Next-generation AI-driven prognostics warn operators about