SBIR/STTR Award attributes
We propose to develop a new approach to labeling and retrieving program data: Metadata for an Exploitable Repository of Authoritative Lifecycle Data (EMERALD). Metadata assigned by interdependent automated classifiers and extractors will support precise retrieval of authoritative documents and fragments based on expressive queries. Expressive yet low overhead query formulation and browsing will make it easy and quick for users to access information relevant to their ongoing work tasks. Data-enabled workflow support will expedite and coordinate enterprise activity by exploiting organization, program, and process models to identify, invoke, and direct workflows. Flexible model-driven architecture will enable a rich scalable web application that evolves to support emerging enterprise needs driven by digital transformation. During Phase II, we will refine system requirements, use cases, and scenarios. We will develop and validate a TRL 6 operational prototype focused on legacy document/fragment metadata assignment and exploitation. We will carry out explorations towards extending EMERALD to deal with other forms of digital engineering data. We will develop a Phase III transition plan. Approved for Public Release | 22-MDA-11340 (16 Dec 22)