SBIR/STTR Award attributes
This SBIR project addresses the need for advanced methods to control plasma potential, plasma gradient and local chemistry during deposition process. Current thin-film deposition techniques heavily rely upon control of the energy of the ions that arrive to the substrate, specific power density arriving to the substrate, and composition of the particle flux. By controlling all three parameters it becomes possible to obtain a thin film with pre-engineered parameters. Unfortunately for different types of discharges these parameters are tightly locked by the discharge physics. To overcome limitations on control of one or another parameter, engineers use multiple additional plasma systems. The physics limitations can be by-passed if two types of discharges are combined. This can be achieved when during deposition process a sputtering the magnetron, also drives a dense plasma that fills the whole chamber. During this SBIR/STTR, we aim to enlarge understanding of using ultra-fast high-power impulse magnetron sputtering + RF plasma physics and deliver immediate benefits for industry. This will be achieved through a close University withe precompetitive fundamental research effort will result in publications and broad dissemination via conferences, journals and centers. The major benefit of the Super KickTM is the ability to perform deposition and etch in the same vacuum processing system without need of extra equipment, separate ion guns or staging between chambers. In terms of significance, the technique can improve adhesion, surface cleaning, residual stress material etching and perform oxidation/nitridation/carbonation steps with deposition for reactive applications. A technology that can both simplify and speed up the production of this cable would be an invaluable tool for microelectronics industries, energy production and storage, and advanced coatings for optical materials. The SBIR program will also support emerging small businesses and job creation in the Midwest.