SBIR/STTR Award attributes
A critical, enabling component for a portable dual-mode x-ray/n-ray fast radiography system IS the fast neutron converter & detector. This Phase I SBIR is proposing a novel approach for a fast neutron imaging detector with the potential to realize a 100X improvement in fast NR capability that the industrial and security markets need. The envisioned system can also work similarly for x-rays with near equivalent performance. Coupled with the high-brightness nGen®-400 system developed under the DARPA ICONS program with a 2mm-spot size on an unobstructed extended snout target—this novel detector can be used for: (1) basic radiographic integration and (2) advanced time-of-flight and neutron energy/photon energy discrimination. SBIR funding is sought for this detection effort in concert with the nGen®-400 dual mode generator for field radiography. This technology will support the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration’s mission to protect the public from nuclear threats. Beyond national security needs, the technology has applications in commercial cargo manifest screening for packages, parcels and unit load air cargo inspection, as well as customs and border patrol applications for illicit drugs, explosives and contraband materials. Industrial clients could also benefit from another imaging radiography modality for non-destructive test and evaluation-particularly for pipeline corrosion under insulation. A dual-mode fast neutron and x-ray digital radiography system would provide additional contrast and improved corrosion detection and identification especially for in-service pipelines with two phase flow and/or wet insulation.